Giuseppe Tinello
Giuseppe Tinello focuses his practice on business and corporate criminal law, anti-corruption compliance, international-trade compliance and internal investigations. He advises Italian and international clients in complex cases, often spanning multiple jurisdictions.
Italian Anticorruption Authority Publishes Draft Guidelines on Whistleblowing Internal Reporting Channels
By Fabio Cozzi and Giuseppe Tinello on Dec 5, 2024
Posted In Legislative Update, Italy
On November 7, 2024, the Italian Anticorruption Authority (ANAC or the Authority) made available for a preliminary consultation the “Draft Guidelines on Whistleblowing Internal Reporting Channels” (the Draft Guidelines), aimed at providing additional clarifications as to the appropriate management of internal reporting channels under Decree No. 24/2023 (the Whistleblowing Decree). ANAC is now collecting comments...
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Corporate Liability is Extended to New Predicate Crimes Under Italian Law
By Fabio Cozzi and Giuseppe Tinello on Aug 7, 2024
Posted In Legislative Update, Italy
As it is widely known, Italian Legislative Decree No. 231/2001 (Decree 231) governs the liability of legal entities (including Italian subsidiaries of foreign companies) in case certain offenses (the Predicate Crimes) are committed in the interest or to the benefit of the entity by its directors, managers, representatives, or employees under their surveillance. The legal...
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