On March 15, 2023, Legislative Decree No 24 of March 20, 2023, transposing EU Directive 2019/1937, was published in the Italian Official Journal. The new law entered into force on March 20, 2023, and must be implemented. The new rules came into effect on:

  • July 15, 2023, in the case of all public entities, and private entities with an average of 250 or more employees
  • December 17, 2023, in the case of private entities with an average of 50 or more employees.

The new rules include within the notion of whistleblower not only employees, but also self-employed workers, freelancers and consultants, volunteers and trainees, shareholders and persons with administrative, management, control and supervisory or representative functions, and former employees.

A whistleblower is protected against retaliation, even indirect retaliation including dismissal, suspension, downgrading or non-promotion, demotion, negative references, intimidation or harassment, reputational damage, etc. and benefits from supportive measures such as information, assistance and advice free of charge on how to report and on protection from retaliation.

The Decree extends the obligation to implement reporting channels, adopt procedures for making reports, and ensure safeguards applies to all private entities that:

  • in the last year (ending for the first

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