A new kind of class action has been introduced to the Italian legal system. Legislative Decree No 28 of March 10, 2023, transposing EU Directive No 1828/2020, has introduced the so-called “Representative Action”. The provisions applied as of June 25, 2023 with respect to violations occurring after application date.

The main features of this new class action are as follows:

Scope: the new representative action is intended to protect the collective interests of consumers, i.e., those arising from violations of EU regulations and directives expressly listed in Annex II-septies of the Decree and include product liability, unfair terms in consumer contracts, consumer price indications, e-commerce, personal data protection, unfair commercial practices, and misleading advertising.

Plaintiffs: the representative action can be brought only by EU representative associations included on the list held by the EU Commission, or domestic associations on the list held by the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy and the independent public bodies named in EU Regulation 2017/2394.

Defendants: The representative action can be brought against any natural person or legal entity, public or private, including one acting through another entity, for purposes relating to its commercial, entrepreneurial, or professional business activity.

Territorial scope: for infringements of

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